Working in healthcare and interested in the spiritual side of care?
A new Twitter feed created by a Baptist chaplain might be of interest. The @WeChaplains account is designed to provide a forum for those working in health care to discuss and be resourced in spiritual care.

It was set up by David Southall, an accredited Baptist minister who is chaplaincy team leader at the Worcestershire Acute Hospitals NHS Trust in the United Kingdom.

He was inspired after discovering the WeNurses website, which holds online chats for people working in healthcare to share tips.

He encouraged the group to host a Twitter chat on spiritual care in December and, due to its popularity, subsequently set up the dedicated feed.

He said WeChaplains has two aims: to provide a forum for healthcare chaplains and to give spiritual care in the National Health Service a higher profile.

The account has already gathered more than 1,180 followers in its short life, with many followers from the health care community.

They are not just chaplains either; nurses, CEOs, doctors, patients and relatives have all followed and contributed.

“The account is for anyone who has a passion about spiritual care in the NHS,” said Southall, who also manages a blog sharing good news stories about hospitals in Worcestershire and has organized a group of moderators to help run it.

To find out more visit @WeChaplains.

Paul Hobson is the news editor of The Baptist Times of Great Britain. A version of the news article first appeared in The Baptist Times and is used with permission. You can follow The Baptist Times on Twitter: @BaptistTimes.