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Many Faiths, One Common Commandment “ Love

“A new commandment I give you,” Jesus says to his disciples at his final meal in the gospel of John, “love one another. This is the way that people will know you are my disciples: demonstrate love for one another.” “A new commandment I...

What Will It Take For Churches To Mentor?

I was watching a video in which Rob Bell explained the significance of Jesus calling his disciples. Bell described the process of education for Jewish children, which involved rigorous study and memorization of Torah. Jewish rabbis would gradually “weed...

Some Equate Gospel with Subjugating Women

The Albany Herald recently published an article about the Georgia Baptist Convention’s upcoming vote on whether to disfellowship Druid Hills Baptist Church in Atlanta where Mimi Walker serves as co-pastor. As those familiar with Baptist politics already know,...

Supporting War but Opposing Health Reform

The health care debates over the last year have aroused strong feelings and exposed polarities within our nation. Many have written articles and given speeches in support of and in opposition to the reform efforts. While nearly every detail of the proposed bill has...