by Wm. Loyd Allen | Sep 4, 2002 | Opinion
Some contemporary Baptists apparently cannot comprehend how born-again Christian Baptists in early 19th-century Delaware, Connecticut, Maryland and Virginia could willingly praise Jefferson because he vouched for the freedom of all consciences, believer and...
by Wm. Loyd Allen | Aug 12, 2002 | Opinion
How are Christians to understand the words of Muhammad as preserved in the holy writings of Islam? What will Muslims find in the Bible? The method of interpretation matters. Most people know by now that Jerry Vines, former president of the Southern Baptist Convention,...
by Wm. Loyd Allen | Jul 10, 2002 | Opinion
In March 1925, Tennessee outlawed the theory of evolution in its public schools. Officials in tiny Dayton tested the new law by arresting, with his consent, biology teacher John T. Scopes. Former Democratic presidential candidate and secretary of state William...
by Wm. Loyd Allen | Jun 12, 2002 | Opinion
The Southern Baptist Convention’s use of its faith statement, the Baptist Faith and Message, to ensure doctrinal integrity has raised anew the cry, “Creedalism!” Below is some basic guidance for setting Baptist creedal controversies in context....
by Wm. Loyd Allen | May 15, 2002 | Opinion
I intended to write about Baptist response to Israel’s May 1948 declaration of independence. But I found nothing in the Baptist news journals I perused. This put me to thinking about Baptists’ seeming reluctance to speak out on larger issues of the...