How Social Media is Transforming Society

One of the characters in the film “The Social Network” delivers what is intended as a generation-defining line: “We lived on farms, then we lived in cities, and now we’re gonna live on the Internet.” A scary thought. What kind of life is...

Living the Good Life on the Backs of the Poor

Christmas is here once again. The season for forced jollity at office parties and, of course, the end-of-the-year bank bonuses. Five American banking giants have stashed away $90 billion for their prize employees. The big PR problem the bankers face, whether in the...

What is the Greatest Priority of the Church?

I am told that at the recent Lausanne Congress in Cape Town, South Africa, a popular American preacher and author vigorously asserted that evangelism – understood as the verbal proclamation of the Gospel – was the Church’s foremost “priority.” Since...

As Nations Flex Muscles, Their Citizens Starve

Recently, I visited the demilitarized zone on the border between North and South Korea. This is the last frontier of the Cold War, and the zone is anything but demilitarized. The tension is palpable. South Korean guards stand to attention facing the north, their...