From mountains to museums … to home

From mountains to museums … to home

Some folks might wonder why I keep posting blogs cataloging each tour group I take to Israel, the West Bank, and occasionally Jordan: I’ve done it (you can look them up!) in 2009, 2011, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2017, and this year — not to mention other travels...

The old story in the Old City …

For friends, family, and other folk traveling vicariously through Israel and the West Bank with Campbell University Divinity School and Nurturing Faith Experiences, here’s a quick review of our day in (mostly pictures) of our day in the Old City of Jerusalem. We...
To, beside, and in the Dead Sea …

To, beside, and in the Dead Sea …

For travelers with Campbell University Divinity School and Nurturing Faith Experiences, Saturday was a day to experience the western side of the Dead Sea, including the sea itself. We began by driving from Jerusalem, at 2400 feet in elevation, to the Dead Sea, at...

Down under … ground

Friday is a good day NOT to be in Jerusalem, especially during Ramadan, with special services in both mosques and synagogues, the Temple Mount crowded with thousands of Palestinians bused in from the West Bank and the Western Wall with thousands of Jews from Jerusalem...
Down south and up west

Down south and up west

Adventurers with Campbell University Divinity School and Nurturing Faith Experiences said goodbye to the Galilee on Thursday and headed south to a double destination. The ancient tel of Beth She’an towers above the Hellenistic/Roman city of Scythopolis, built as...