by Tarris D. Rosell | Jul 4, 2003 | Opinion
Four alliterative words come to mind this Fourth of July holiday: freedom, fundamentalism, finances, and faith. Freedom is less spoken on our Independence/Freedom Day than other f-words like flag, fun and firecrackers. This year, however, some of us are thinking about...
by Tarris D. Rosell | Jun 25, 2003 | Opinion
Four months ago, headlines in newspapers around the world announced the unfolding saga of apparent medical error occurring within a university hospital with international name recognition. The newsworthiness of this particular mistake surely had something to do with...
by Tarris D. Rosell | Feb 24, 2003 | Opinion
Millions of adults who long ago passed the sixth grade nonetheless will go back to elementary school on March 3. That is just one day past Dr. Seuss’ birthday, and it marks the sixth annual Read Across America. RAA Day is the National Education...
by Tarris D. Rosell | Jan 23, 2003 | Opinion
The commonly heard “playing God” defense against cloning technology has its value as a general reminder of human finitude relative to the divine powers. It also plays well in the media. But as a means of defining limits within cloning technology, warnings...
by Tarris D. Rosell | Dec 17, 2002 | Opinion
The year of our Lord 2002 will be known, in history texts yet to be written, mostly for economic recession, our war against terrorism, and the Bush campaign against Iraq. The church must add to that litany of infamy, however, another crisis-come-to-light. We must...