by Tarris D. Rosell | Feb 10, 2004 | Opinion
“Cynic,” and its derivatives, is surely among the biggest “diss” words of this wartime era. While cynicism is real and dangerous, charges of such occur regularly in conversation and print as a means of dismissing the socio-political critique or...
by Tarris D. Rosell | Jan 23, 2004 | Opinion
The elderly widow cried as she told a visiting pastor about her husband’s death a decade earlier. My morally distressed congregant gave voice to a significant problem in pastoral care and bioethics, arising out of the lived experience of numerous family...
by Tarris D. Rosell | Nov 11, 2003 | Opinion
Clergy historically were known as “Doctors of the Church.” Physicians more recently have been called by numerous cultural critics the new “high priests” of our society. Both professions attend to a community cohort referred to simply as...
by Tarris D. Rosell | Oct 29, 2003 | Opinion
Mention the acronym “HIPAA” to a roomful of clergy and the immediate response is frustration. Six months after full implementation, it appears that the HIPAA Privacy Rule is not well understood by some hospital personnel and religious leaders. As a result,...
by Tarris D. Rosell | Jul 24, 2003 | Opinion
Females are 100 percent more likely than males to be vegetarians. That is the result of an unscientific survey of the Lofgren Rosell household in Kansas City. Three female family members—a wife and two teenage daughters—all responded yes to the sole survey question:...