by Steve Sumerel | May 3, 2002 | Opinion
If our hallowed times were holy places, perhaps we would live better. If national, ethnic and religious holidays were not designations on a calendar, but actual places, maybe our abuse of alcohol would stand in better contrast to the celebrations. Instead of living...
by Steve Sumerel | Apr 5, 2002 | Opinion
Children love to get dizzy. Go to any playground and you will see boys and girls hanging upside down on jungle gyms, swinging and twirling on swing sets, and pushing to go ever faster on merry-go-rounds. Absent the equipment, children will simply spin around until...
by Steve Sumerel | Mar 8, 2002 | Opinion
On the street it’s called pot, grass, weed, mary jane or reefer. It comes in cigarette and cigar-sized packages called joints and blunts. The active ingredient is delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC. Call it what you will, but those who produce marijuana call...
by Steve Sumerel | Feb 7, 2002 | Opinion
In “The Sound of Music,” a group of nuns sings its way through a dilemma with a high-strung novice. “How Do You Solve A Problem Like Maria,” asks a series of questions designed to find ways to control her, while preserving the spirited...
by Steve Sumerel | Nov 29, 2001 | Opinion
The National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse recently released important research about substance abuse and spirituality. In the study entitled So Help Me God: Substance Abuse, Religion and Spirituality, CASA reported that faith is a key factor in both the...