by Sarah Griffith | Oct 10, 2000 | Opinion
Judgment Houses and Hell Houses are considered by some churches to be “evangelistic tools” combating traditional Halloween haunted houses. “[Hell] is the ultimate haunted house, which is where [visitors] will spend eternity if they do not accept...
by Sarah Griffith | Sep 27, 2000 | Opinion
Hate groups have “rekindled [their] zeal and magnified [their] power” using the technology of Internet communication, according to a recent article. “With the help of Internet technology and cyberspace marketing, once-decrepit organizations like the...
by Sarah Griffith | Aug 29, 2000 | Opinion
Women are becoming increasingly involved in financial decisions for their households, according to a recent article. “The female half, once limited to such weighty matters as grocery spending, is now an equal partner in long-term financial decisions such as...
by Sarah Griffith | Aug 15, 2000 | News
Anti-Semitic comments have swept over the Internet since the announcement of Senator Joseph Lieberman to the Democratic ticket. And anti-Semitic remarks made in a radio interview by NAACP Dallas chapter president Lee Alcorn resulted in Alcorn’s indefinite...
by Sarah Griffith | Aug 1, 2000 | News
Both overeating and severe hunger contribute to an increasingly “toxic” food environment, according to a recent article. “While hunger is a more acute problem and should be the highest nutritional concern, overeating is the fastest growing form of...