Illuminations: Seeking Guidance of God’s Spirit

Several issues have become flashpoints in Christian communities. One of these is the inclusion of LGBT persons in local churches and denominations. On most of these issues, a figurative line is drawn in the sand and both individual and organizations are defined by...

A Seder Dinner Reminder: Only God Can Free Us

We were honored to be invited to a friend’s home for their Seder dinner on the first night of Passover. It was a meaningful and fascinating experience as we read through the Haggadah (readings that guide the Seder meal by retelling the Exodus narrative) and ate...

Why I Support BCE/ with My Gifts

One of the songs in the cantata our choir is singing this year is about Joseph promising Mary that there is an inn awaiting their arrival in Bethlehem. Of course, we know that when they arrived, there was no room for them. Perhaps if Joseph had used an app on his...