Mean What You Say, Say What You Mean

One of the best advertising campaigns of late have been what Dove has produced related to the beauty industry and the negative impression it makes upon young women. To combat the unrealistic standard of perfection held up by so many makers of beauty products, Dove...

A Home Run of an Idea

In an article for Ethics Daily, Charles Deweese makes the case that sports is one of the world’s largest religions. There is no doubt that sports pervade much of our culture. Stadiums and arenas are the cathedrals in which we pay homage and reverence to our...

Genocide for the Digital World

As the genocidal crisis grows in Darfur, Sudan, attention paid to the conflict ebbs and flows, mainly depending upon what else is making news in a given week. (See this video about American news coverage of the crisis in June 2005). MTV wants to stop this, and has...