Three Questions for a Meaningful Career

I’ll never forget the guttural moan of the woman across the aisle from me, in seat 26D. It was nearly primal, a combination of bass, regret, woe, shame and despair. I can’t blame her. I’d do the same thing if I realized I was at 15,000 feet on my way...

The Dream Hospital

Hospitals might be the only place where life is seen in its extremes. Happiness and sadness coexist in hospitals. Deaths and births happen simultaneously. Helena, Ark., is also a place where death and birth happen on nearly a daily basis. And while physical deaths and...

New Day’s Resolution

If you’ve been alive the last two weeks, and will continue to be alive in the upcoming two weeks, you’ll see a lot of stuff on TV, online, and in print about the pressure to make–and keep–the bane of January’s existence: New Year’s...

Up and At ‘Em

The good news is, if you’re awake, you’re alive. The bad news is, you have to get out of that comfy bed, find something to wear, and at least try to be someone who is pleasant to be around. The good news is, if you’re awake, you’re alive. The...

Lunchtime: Eating for the Benefit of Everyone Else

In many churches, food is as commonplace as pews, choir robes and altar calls. In fact, potluck is as much a part of the Christian vernacular as prayer, peace and pastor. Therefore, the call to eat for the benefit of others is an important one in the life of a...