by Sam Davidson | Oct 13, 2009 | Opinion
I glanced at their table only a few sips in to my first half-priced pint of the night. When I’m waiting on someone to arrive or something to happen, I notoriously people watch. People sometimes catch me watching them. I don’t care. They should be flattered...
by Sam Davidson | Sep 24, 2009 | Opinion
I didn’t blog for a week. This isn’t something new. Usually when it happens, it’s because I’m lazy. This time, it was strategic. Of course, I didn’t know Matt Chevy was going to call me a Gen Y Rock Star. That meant a lot of people came...
by Sam Davidson | Aug 31, 2009 | Opinion
I set up a Cool People Care booth at Vanderbilt University as part of their freshman orientation. I was there – along with hundreds of other community organizations – to chat about what we do and how we can help Vandy’s incoming freshman class get involved in...
by Sam Davidson | Aug 12, 2009 | Opinion
Jen Gash, founder and executive director of Sweet Sleep, told me the story of her recent trip to Uganda. It was the nonprofit’s first trip to Africa, where they provided beds for hundreds of orphans. The entire village was thankful that Jen and her team came...
by Sam Davidson | Jun 18, 2009 | Opinion
After nearly three years visiting almost every place that serves Sunday breakfast in Nashville, I think I found the best one – the one that I could visit over and over again. Of course, I need to go there again to make sure that I didn’t imagine it, get lucky or...