Our Collective Humanitarian Failure in Syria – Part 1

There are times in history when, because of the horrors of the events, the international community is forced to take stock. In recent history, the Biafran crisis of the late 1960s was one such time, out of which Doctors Without Borders (MSF) was formed and a new way...

Should the Poor Seek Justice and Liberation? Part 2

The Bible places responsibility for social justice on society as a whole. Yet the poor and marginalized should not remain passive, they need to exercise the rights already given to them and to continue pursuing a more perfect justice in society. But can they do this...

Should the Poor Seek Justice and Liberation? Part 1

I have been intrigued that nowhere in Scripture does God encourage or exhort the poor to seek justice. Throughout the Bible, the responsibility for social justice and care for the poor and those on the margins of life is on society as a whole, on every individual....

Book: Caring for Poor Aligns with God’s Presence

Is there a connection between God’s people demonstrating compassion and welcoming the poor and broken into their midst and caring for them, and God manifesting his presence? Why does it seem that in so many places in Scripture the poor and those who live on the...

Christians as Minority: Finding a Place in Society

Christian theology and teaching historically has assumed that Christians are a minority in society, as I was reminded several years ago. Hence, the teachings about being salt and light, about relating to governments that may seem hostile, people of other faiths, and...