Learning to be Empathetic Without Feeling Threatened

Learning to be Empathetic Without Feeling Threatened

Our natural instincts serve us well, to a point. They’re self-protective and that’s healthy too, to a point. Let me explain. Recently, I was at a football game with a number of friends. We arrived at the game in two cars and parked in the stadium’s underground parking...
Moving Beyond Criticism and Anger to Deeper Empathy

Moving Beyond Criticism and Anger to Deeper Empathy

Recently, I attended a symposium where the keynote speaker was a man exactly my age. Because we had both lived through the same cultural and religious changes in our lives, I resonated with much of what he said and with how he felt about things. And in his assessment...
The Key to Bridging the Unbridgeable Chasm

The Key to Bridging the Unbridgeable Chasm

“Besides all this, between you and us a great chasm has been fixed, so that those who might want to pass from here to you cannot do so, and no one can cross from there to us.” Abraham speaks these words to a soul in hell in the famous parable of the Rich Man and...
How to Respond to the Catholic Sexual Abuse Scandal

How to Respond to the Catholic Sexual Abuse Scandal

“Sometimes all you can do is to put your mouth to the dust and wait.” That’s a counsel from the Book of Lamentations and, while perhaps not the best response to the recent revelations of clerical sexual abuse and cover-up in the Roman Catholic Church, it seems the...