by Ron Rolheiser | Dec 17, 2019 | Opinion
We’re all familiar, I suspect, with the difference between justice and charity. Charity is giving away some of your time, energy, resources and person so as to help others in need. And that’s an admirable virtue, the sign of a good heart. Justice, on the other hand,...
by Ron Rolheiser | Oct 9, 2019 | Opinion
According to Isaac the Syrian, a famous seventh-century bishop and theologian, a person who’s genuinely humble gives off a certain scent that other people will sense and that even animals will pick up, so that wild animals, including snakes, will fall under its spell...
by Ron Rolheiser | Jun 13, 2019 | Opinion
Most of us have been raised to believe we have right to possess whatever comes to us honestly, either through our own work or through legitimate inheritance. No matter how large that wealth might be, it’s ours, as long as we didn’t cheat anyone along the way. By and...
by Ron Rolheiser | May 3, 2019 | Opinion
Where should we be casting our eyes? Upward, downward or just on the road that we’re walking? Well, there are different kinds of spiritualities: Spiritualities of the Ascent, Spiritualities of the Descent, and Spiritualities of Maintenance, and each is important....
by Ron Rolheiser | Mar 27, 2019 | Opinion
I was very blessed during my theological formation to have had the privilege of taking classes from two very renowned Catholic scholars, Avery Dulles and Raymond E. Brown. The former was an ecclesiologist whose books often became textbooks, which were prescribed...