Why Having It Your Way in Church is Deadly

The 21st century is the age of hyperindividualism. We want what we want. Hyperindividualism is in the water we all drink, and its impact is pervasive in modern American life. Before we make a major purchase, we develop a list of features. We make extensive lists of...

Waiting for the Other Shoe to Drop: CBF’s Next Step

A new future began to emerge for the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship in Fort Worth, Texas, in June. The retirement of long-time Coordinator Dan Vestal was front and center throughout the meeting. Add to this the return to the classroom of Rob Nash and the departure of...

5 Ways to Help Your Minister Survive Advent

Advent offers a busy beginning to the church’s year for most of us; we look forward to the parties and special church programs. Of course, there is another side to this saga. Advent can drain the life out of ministers in a few short weeks. While most ministers...

What Really Makes a Pastor a “Big Dog”

I know people who, like my neighbor’s 5-inch-tall dog named Willy, think they are “big dogs” when they are not. And yes, I find them amusing. This column could be about barking church members, denominational leaders or political leaders, but I would...

Why Many Ministers Must Put Grief on Hold

I sat in the congregation for a friend’s funeral and felt the weight of grief. I most certainly felt grief related to the loss of my friend, yet there was more. In the pew, I experienced cascading mental images of funerals past: Lloyd, Collette, Nathan,...