How Nominalism Has Poisoned Western Civilization

I agree with the late Catholic theologian Hans Urs von Balthasar that the rise of nominalism in especially Western cultures has been a “catastrophe.” As Balthasar explained in his manifesto, “The God Question and Modern Man,” nominalism led to...

TV Sitcom Reflects Our Fascination with Celebrity

A new television sitcom, “The Grinder,” holds up a mirror that should make us ashamed or at least embarrassed. I watch a lot of television because it helps me keep in touch with popular culture and my students. Knowing what’s on TV helps me relate to...

Prosperity Gospel: A Valid Evangelical Option? Part 2

I grew up within classical Pentecostalism, a Christian tradition that by and large rejected the Word-Faith prosperity gospel when it emerged in the 1970s and 1980s. Yet, within a decade, most cities had at least one Word-Faith church dedicated to the gospel of health...