Should Abused Women (or Men) Stay with Their Spouses?

Comments by a Southern Baptist seminary president about divorce, even in situations of abuse, has led to a rebellion by thousands of Southern Baptist women and men. Many were demanding the seminary president’s resignation, and he has since apologized for his...

Why Do We Allow Football to Cause Brain Damage?

It’s time for a national conversation about football. The facts are irrefutable now; U.S. football causes long-term and irreversible brain damage in many players. Anyone who doesn’t know this simply hasn’t been paying attention. And in some cases,...

Creedalism vs. Confessionalism: Why You Should Care

One reason I am a moderate Baptist is to avoid creedalism. Let me define that – as it is meant by my fellow moderate Baptists (and some others). To me, to us, “creedalism” is the elevation of some extrabiblical statement of belief to a status equal...