by Roger Olson | May 24, 2018 | Opinion
Comments by a Southern Baptist seminary president about divorce, even in situations of abuse, has led to a rebellion by thousands of Southern Baptist women and men. Many were demanding the seminary president’s resignation, and he has since apologized for his...
by Roger Olson | Mar 12, 2018 | Opinion
There it was again – in an editorial of a newspaper – the cliché I’ve heard all my life: “What’s good for business is good for America.” As a Christian theologian, I have spoken out against “folk religion,” which...
by Roger Olson | Feb 13, 2018 | Opinion
It’s time for a national conversation about football. The facts are irrefutable now; U.S. football causes long-term and irreversible brain damage in many players. Anyone who doesn’t know this simply hasn’t been paying attention. And in some cases,...
by Roger Olson | Jan 19, 2018 | Opinion
One reason I am a moderate Baptist is to avoid creedalism. Let me define that – as it is meant by my fellow moderate Baptists (and some others). To me, to us, “creedalism” is the elevation of some extrabiblical statement of belief to a status equal...
by Roger Olson | Oct 10, 2017 | Opinion
Ought I to repent of being white and male? I have had this question posed to me in one form or another on several occasions over the years. As I explained in my previous post, I think I have discerned three distinct meanings of the call for white people and males to...