How Ethical Are Your Prayers? Part 1

If we are faithful in the way we follow Jesus, then our deepest and truest desires will find their expression in godly, countercultural, justice-shaped prayers passionately aligned to the kingdom and mission of God. Our best prayers will be ethical prayers. So,...

Conversion: Aligning Our Lives with God’s Kingdom

Conversion is the central ethical message of Jesus and lies at the heart of evangelical faith and experience. For some, conversion is a slow, lifelong movement of the heart and will toward God. For others, it is a single dramatic experience, a sudden realignment of...

Orphan, 9, in Immigration Detention Must Be Freed

Two related events in recent days have done more to lower my opinion of prominent politicians and galvanize my support for public policy reform in Australia than anything else in 2011. The first was the opposition party’s response to a decision by the...

Stewardship, Hospitality Inform Tourism’s Ethics

Tourism is a form of travel for pleasure involving transactions between vendors and clients for goods and services. While there was an inn at Bethlehem, and probably also at Sodom, tourism as we know it is a modern phenomenon. Even in the 16th century, the practice of...

Cluster Bombs and National Interest

At the same time as the Australian government is engaged in international talks aimed at securing a global treaty banning cluster bombs, the Defense Department has claimed that limitations on the Australian Defense Force’s capacity to acquire the weapons would...