New Stories Are Needed to Change Cultural Ethos

Syrian Mohed Altrad has a remarkable life narrative. He has an inspiring story that offers a constructive counter-narrative to the anti-immigration fever in the United States, the anti-refugee venom in Europe and the anti-foreign worker toxicity in South Africa. The...

How the Church Can Speak Up for the Thin Blue Line

Dallas Police Chief David Brown gave a remarkable, live 25-minute interview with CNN’s Jake Tapper about the shooting in Dallas. I caught a portion of the Sunday afternoon interview. I was surprised by what I heard. I think our readers might be surprised about...

Observations on CBF’s 25th Anniversary

More important than the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship’s programs, policies and press releases were the people at its 25th anniversary events in Greensboro, North Carolina. Here’s a short list of who I saw – and what they mean for CBF: The mother of...