by Robert Parham | Jan 21, 2014 | Opinion
Yep. It’s an Arabic-named media company, owned by an Arab government and headquartered in the Middle East – Qatar. I read the website daily, check its app on my iPhone throughout the day and follow it on Twitter. I think it’s one of the more reliable and...
by Robert Parham | Jan 14, 2014 | Opinion
Two competing theological frameworks are at work in the American criminal justice system: retributive justice and restorative justice. Both are overviewed in “Through the Door,” our forthcoming documentary on prisons and faith. “Retributive justice...
by Robert Parham | Jan 7, 2014 | Opinion
As Pope Francis set aglow the global community in 2013, he has a phrase that could ignite a new way of Christian engagement in 2014, especially with those with whom we disagree and those we tend to dislike and disregard. What is it? “Culture of encounter.”...
by Robert Parham | Dec 31, 2013 | Opinion
Linda Leathers is’s pick as Baptist of the Year for 2013. She is the CEO of The Next Door (TND), a Nashville-based prison ministry that seeks to meet the abundant needs of women released from prison, one of which is helping them stay away from...
by Robert Parham | Dec 23, 2013 | Opinion
An atheist group put up a billboard near Philadelphia with the message “Keep Saturn in Saturnalia.” It was their anemic attempt to fuel the “war on Christmas” by countering a billboard sponsored by the Knights of Columbus, which read...