If Jesus Was a Havoc Maker, What Are We?

Jesus was a maker of havoc, said the award-winning actor Philip Seymour Hoffman, who died from a heroin overdose. “My image of Jesus is someone who is exciting … Were he alive today, he would be causing havoc!” Perhaps by “havoc,” Hoffman meant...

One Way to Let Your Good Works Be Seen

How do we live out practically Jesus’ words in Matthew 5:16? Remember those words in the Sermon of the Mount? They follow Jesus’ words about how his followers are “the light of the world.” Matthew 5:16 reads, “Let your light so shine...

Presidential Pot Wink is Misguided, Misleading

Obama’s presidential wink at marijuana comes when his public opinion ratings are at all-time low and with a dreadful, glassy-eyed comparison to alcohol. A BBC News headline read: “Barack Obama: ‘Marijuana no more dangerous than alcohol.'” After...