10 Principles for Just Money

War-making and money-making are “morally dangerous” engagements. As the Christian faith developed Just War principles to guide governments and soldiers, we need Just Money principles to guide governments and financial traders – and bankers. That’s an...

Word of Thanks: Giving Credit Where Credit Is Due

EthicsDaily.com makes a difference for one simple earthly reason: our community. Call it the right people making good things happen. Call it the living cloud of witnesses. Why not call it the eCloud? Apostle Paul begins his letters with a word of thanks. “I...

7 Bible Words for Evangelicals and Pentecostals

Evangelicals and Pentecostals were missing from the Interfaith Summit on Climate Change prior to the 2014 United Nations Climate Summit. One or two “evangelical” signatories on the statement calling for divestment from fossil fuel stocks does not an...