God Has a Dream

Though writing about another time and context, Archbishop Desmond Tutu, in his book, “God Has a Dream: A Vision of Hope for Our Time,” said better than I why I rarely pay attention to the books written by commentators from the political right and left, or...

What Can We Learn from the Schiavo Case?

Unless you have been on silent retreat in another world this past month, you have experienced the media overload surrounding the tragic case of Terri Schiavo. As a pastor, I feel grief for a family whose internal conflict over the decision of when to say good-bye to a...

Do Over

On Easter Sunday night, our son Kyle, age 20, had been in his apartment with his roommates. While playing one of his guitars and watching a network television program of social, intellectual impact (The Simpsons), he heard a loud, rushing wind. It was not early...