by Robert Guffey | Aug 17, 2005 | Opinion
Though writing about another time and context, Archbishop Desmond Tutu, in his book, “God Has a Dream: A Vision of Hope for Our Time,” said better than I why I rarely pay attention to the books written by commentators from the political right and left, or...
by Robert Guffey | Apr 4, 2005 | Opinion
Unless you have been on silent retreat in another world this past month, you have experienced the media overload surrounding the tragic case of Terri Schiavo. As a pastor, I feel grief for a family whose internal conflict over the decision of when to say good-bye to a...
by Robert Guffey | Feb 28, 2003 | Opinion
Many people will remember Fred Rogers as the cardigan-and-tennis-shoe-wearing host of PBS’s immensely popular show, “Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood.” Until now, few may have known Rogers was an ordained minister in the Presbyterian church. His...
by Robert Guffey | Aug 1, 2000 | Opinion
On Easter Sunday night, our son Kyle, age 20, had been in his apartment with his roommates. While playing one of his guitars and watching a network television program of social, intellectual impact (The Simpsons), he heard a loud, rushing wind. It was not early...