Easter Shadows

Our Lenten journey is over. Our pilgrimage of faith merely has reached a resting place. Season by season–Advent, Epiphany, Lent, Easter–we move through many journeys. Taken together they define our pilgrimage of faith. Each Sunday we celebrate the hope of...

A Path Toward Transformation

Discipleship is about more than following a leader, even if that leader is Jesus as he enters the wilderness or sets his face toward Jerusalem. Walking through Lent is about more than a ritual stroll in springtime, even if that stroll has Easter celebration as its...

A Cause for Extravagance

Lent rarely evokes images of extravagance. Lent conjures up images of austerity. The challenge of Lent is to make an arduous journey of the spirit in hopes that the journey will change the mundane parts of our lives, too. Lent is not–or should not be–a...

A Glimpse of the End

Long journeys repeated time and again develop a certain character. We get accustomed to terrain and landmarks. We develop a sense of the passing of time. We even come to expect fatigue and refreshment. Fatigue sets in when we begin to wonder if we can finish the...

Thirst and Hunger Along the Lenten Path

Whether we envision ourselves entering the wilderness with Jesus as he faced his temptations or following him on his journey toward Jerusalem, the path is demanding. Nearly three weeks into the journey, which is not quite halfway, our readings capitalize upon the...