Light in the Darkness | Advent Four: Love

Light in the Darkness | Advent Four: Love

Americans are notorious for holiday extravagance. Theorists suggest that holiday spending is a gauge of the health or sluggishness of our economy. In related veins, some see willingness to spend, spend, spend during the holidays as a sign of patriotism at most or...
Light in the Darkness | Advent Three: Joy

Light in the Darkness | Advent Three: Joy

Take a long, thoughtful look at the Advent wreath as you approach it on the third Sunday of the season. The candle of joy appears to be blushing. The deep purples of the candles of hope, peace and love give an added starkness to the pink of the candle of joy. Approach...
Light in the Darkness | Advent Two: Peace

Light in the Darkness | Advent Two: Peace

To speak in favor of peace always demands finding a dissenting voice. There are in our generation peace protests and anti-immigration rallies, advocates for welcoming refugees into our society and for closing borders willy-nilly to forestall perceived threats. And,...