What Jesus Said…About Birth

A sermon by Randy Hyde, Pastor, Pulaski Heights Baptist Church, Little Rock, Ar. March 16, 2014 Second Sunday in Lent Psalm 121:1-8; John 3:1-17 I rarely comment on television shows, and for a very good reason. While I enjoy television as much as anybody, there is...

What Jesus Said…About Temptation

A sermon by Randy Hyde, Pastor, Pulaski Heights Baptist Church, Little Rock, Ar. March 9, 2014 First Sunday in Lent Genesis 3:1-7; Matthew 4:1-11 What did Jesus say about temptation? Well, not much really, not according to this story anyway. In what we call The Lord’s...

A Face LIke the Sun

A sermon by Randy Hyde, Pastor, Pulaski Heights Baptist Church, Little Rock, Ar. March 2, 2014 Transfiguration Sunday Matthew 17:1-9 How good are you at keeping secrets? When someone whispers in your ear, does the message find its way out of your mouth? When was the...

4 Signs Your Church Has Slipped into Survival Mode

Lack of visionary thinking causes institutions to stagnate. The Christian Century editorial board recently voiced this concern about seminaries and theological education, but their sentiments were broad enough to apply to churches as well. “Institutions in...

To Be Holy

A sermon by Randy Hyde, Pastor, Pulaski Heights Baptist Church, Little Rock, Ar. February 23, 2014 Leviticus 19:1-18; Matthew 5:38-48 There is something in us that does not want to be holy. We describe God as holy, and that’s perfectly fine. In fact, it is with great...