What Would It Look Like if The Church Repented?

A friend asked me recently if the corporate church had ever publicly denounced and repented of the sins of its past. I found this to be a novel idea, and I’ve begun thinking about the Christian church’s collective sins during the Lenten season. What would...

Does Your Church’s Music Reflect the Lenten Spirit?

The celebration of Easter is just around the corner. Lillies will populate the sanctuaries, crowds will fill the pews and trumpets will announce the most unthinkable news in human history. It is a day of victory and celebration – and rightly so. Between now and then,...

Mary’s Song Gives Voice to True Christmas Message

For the last couple of weeks, I’ve had the Magnificat on my mind – Mary’s song in Luke 1.36-46, which she sings after receiving the news of her miraculous (yet scandalous) future. Mary was a lowly peasant girl, living in a man’s world. Many scholars...

How Can Mourning Lead to Comfort?

“Blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted.” — Matthew 5:4 Lately, this verse has taken hold of me for reasons I don’t fully understand. Maybe it’s because I’ve participated in two funerals recently, and at both we...