Fear: The Fuel on Which Evil Thrives

Be afraid, be very afraid. This is the motto of our age. Fear is in the air. We breathe it in, and it travels up and down our bloodstream, from our heart to our head and back again. Fear becomes part and parcel to our very being. It cultivates paranoia that has no...

True Christian Virtues Rising From the Ashes

I typically don’t think much about ashes except for Ash Wednesday. Last week, I participated in a strange, ancient ritual in which I smeared some ashes in the shape of a cross on peoples’ foreheads and said something like, “Turn from your sins and...

Church Makes Difference for 3rd-Grade Readers

The people of Second Baptist Church in downtown Little Rock, Arkansas, entered into a season of discernment three or four years ago for our next missions venture. The congregation prayed for a vision from God and was polled to identify passions, gifts and concerns in...