by Philip Jenkins | May 2, 2017 | Opinion
President Trump complained earlier this year about the media’s failure to pay due attention to Islamist terrorist attacks, and the administration offered a specific list of such events. In some cases, his complaint was unfair, but the list did include many...
by Philip Jenkins | Feb 24, 2017 | Opinion
Whatever might drive them to move, migrants carry their religions with them. Yet the religions they bring to their new lands do not remain unchanged. The fact of movement itself is a powerful dynamic force in religious change, and this is nowhere more obvious than in...
by Philip Jenkins | Feb 9, 2017 | Opinion
Religion and immigration have been much in the news of late. This actually gets to a lot of work I have been doing recently about how religions move and spread – in this case, mainly Christianity. We regularly hear accounts of Christian missions from the global...
by Philip Jenkins | Jan 25, 2017 | Opinion
What are the most significant changes and megatrends that have occurred in the U.S. since the mid-1970s? If you imagine someone time traveling between the eras, what would strike them? What was not tolerated then but is quite normal and accepted today? Conversely,...
by Philip Jenkins | May 13, 2016 | Opinion
Whatever happened to America’s crusades? Once upon a time, crusades were an integral part of American rhetoric, indicating a noble or righteous struggle inspired by higher motives. All sorts of political causes were “crusades,” not to mention the...