Why Haven’t We Found Heaven Up There Yet?

The final scene in Luke’s Gospel is the blessing and departure of Jesus.  The ascension, celebrated this year on Sunday, June 1, concludes his earthly ministry. His disciples seem ready to proclaim the astounding news of his resurrection, having confirmed that...

Where Was God as Typhoon Slammed Philippines?

As I write, images of the destruction in the Philippines are streaming around the world. They are incomprehensibly tragic and graphic – bodies thrown up into trees, dwellings washed away, infrastructures devastated. It is hard to fathom how such loss – at least 10,000...

American Baptists: Listening to New Voices

American Baptists have just completed a remarkable Mission Summit (a felicitous rebranding of the Biennial) close by in Overland Park, Kan. How nice not to have to pack this time! The most exhilarating aspect of the gathering was the significance presence of those...