by Molly T. Marshall | Apr 20, 2018 | Opinion
One of the persisting questions in theological interpretation is what actually happened to our forebears as sin entered the world. A long tradition speaks of “total depravity,” which means we are rendered incapable of any good as our wills are in bondage...
by Molly T. Marshall | Feb 20, 2018 | Opinion
It is fitting that Lent begins smack dab in the middle of Black History Month. Celebrating the heritage and contributions of African-Americans is always accompanied by grief and lament. There were and are too many black deaths, too much indignity and too little...
by Molly T. Marshall | Feb 8, 2018 | Opinion
I must confess: I rarely watch the Super Bowl. I am usually on a plane (with very few others, mercifully) when the big game comes on. I am used to hearing the score from pilots, and I always wonder if they are really watching in the cockpit. I am not a great football...
by Molly T. Marshall | Dec 11, 2017 | Opinion
I was in Myanmar last week with a group from Central Baptist Theological Seminary. We visited churches, the Kachin Baptist Convention, a camp for internally displaced persons, two drug rehabilitation centers, two theological schools and the Fountain of Love Orphanage....
by Molly T. Marshall | Nov 17, 2017 | Opinion
Preachers often avoid lectionary texts from Judges as they are not sure what to do with stories of violence (Samson), testing God (Gideon) and an ill-conceived vow to the Lord (Jephthah), to name only a few. It was a precarious time for the young nation as...