Why Your Church Defines Talent Too Narrowly

What gifts were you given, and how have you employed them to further God’s kingdom? During a discussion of talent, I said to Paula Carl, a gifted pianist, organist and conductor, “I am wary about using the term ‘talented’ because I don’t...

On Independence Day, What Are You Thankful For?

Every day of my life, I give thanks for being an American. I had nothing to do with where I was born, but I am grateful for this accident of birth. I mean no disrespect to any other country. I was born into a working-class family in upstate South Carolina. My parents...

We Teach Children That Incivility is Rewarded

Our country and much of the world has expressed shock and horror at the verbal and physical treatment meted out to a 68-year-old grandmother and bus monitor in Greece, New York. Karen Klein tried to maintain her composure while her tormentors continued their assault....

How Churches Can Solve the Problem of Bullying

Bullying is growing worse at every level. It is present in homes, schools, playgrounds, sports venues and workplaces. It assaults us on television and over radio. How can the church respond to the growing menace? The Bible gives ample instructions on how to defeat...