Why You Should Tell Your Story on Black Friday

Why You Should Tell Your Story on Black Friday

How could you use Black Friday, the day after Thanksgiving, for purposes other than shopping? StoryCorps, an organization that seeks to foster compassion and justice through storytelling, has designated that day as a National Day of Listening – a time when families...

‘Faith: A Journey for All’

One of my birthday presents this year was accompanied by a great compliment. My son gave me Jimmy Carter’s new book, “Faith: A Journey for All,” and said, “Dad, this sounds like you.” It was an over-the-top compliment, but I sincerely...

Complementarianism: A Separate-But-Equal Knockoff

An article I read recently extoling the virtues of complementarianism nagged at me. It would not let me rest. Complementarianism is a religious construct that deals with the roles of gender. The message is evil at its center. “The SBC has affirmed...

‘Baptists in Early North America: Volume 4’

Reading about the beginning struggles of First Baptist Church of Boston should cause every Baptist heart to swell with pride. These pioneers in the faith suffered unbelievable persecution. Massachusetts in the 1600s was simply not a good place to be if you believed in...