by Mike Smith | Oct 4, 2007 | Opinion
What’s a Christian to do during the political “crazy season”–i.e. the race for the presidency of the United States? When asked, I usually answer in terms of what a Christian should and should not do.My personal list of “should nots”...
by Mike Smith | Aug 31, 2007 | Opinion
This past Sunday morning I spent some time with one of the adult Sunday school classes at the church where I am pastor. They had spent several months working through a study of doctrines important to Baptists, and I had been asked to visit and wrap up the study. After...
by Mike Smith | Jun 28, 2007 | Opinion
When did it become sinful to change one’s mind? When did the ability and willingness to think, learn and adjust cease to be a sign of maturity and wisdom and become the sin we labeled “flip-flop?” Don’t get me wrong. I value consistency. For...
by Mike Smith | May 3, 2007 | Opinion
Religious freedom, actually radical religious freedom, is in the DNA of all healthy Baptists. Truth to tell, religious freedom may be the only special theological contribution Baptists may claim to have made to the broader Christian community. Our Baptist forebears...
by Mike Smith | Jan 23, 2006 | Opinion
No one articulates the emerging pattern of Christian thought, attitude and practice for the 21st century better than Brian McLaren, and “The Secret Message of Jesus” is by far his best effort to date. McLaren sets out to discover the meaning and...