
I love baseball and – baseball movies. “Field of Dreams,” “The Sandlot” and “The Natural” are some of my favorites. Each has a terrific story set against a diamond backdrop. Baseball once was the most popular professional sport, but...

“The Debt”

An older woman sits among a gathering. Your eye is drawn to her face – and its large scar. A younger woman stands before the group and extols the virtues of three people who left the safety of home for a dangerous mission.   All three, two men and the woman with the...

“The Help”

Writers and filmmakers have mined the mother lode of Southern life for decades. The unique nature of the region provides colorful characters with both dramatic and comedic elements. “The Help,” based on the best-seller by Kathryn Stockett, joins this...

“Rise of the Planet of the Apes”

“Rise of the Planet of the Apes” reboots the Planet of the Apes saga. The first movie was released in1968 with Charlton Heston traveling through a worm hole in space to find an Earth ruled by apes. What followed was a series of movies giving us the history...

“Captain America: The First Avenger”

“Captain America: The First Avenger” tells the origin of the Marvel Comics icon of the American Way and stands as another chapter leading to the cinematic debut of the super team, “The Avengers.” We see young Steve Rogers (Chris Evans), a...