by Mike Parnell | Dec 9, 2011 | Opinion
“Hugo” is a love letter to the movies, Martin Scorsese’s ode to all that flickers on the silver screen. Set in the 1920s, “Hugo” tells of young Hugo Cabret (Asa Butterfield), a boy that lives in a train station. How he gets there is told...
by Mike Parnell | Dec 2, 2011 | Opinion
Everybody loves when a former star finds a vehicle to make a comeback. We love it when the guy we all forgot gets a second chance. This is especially true when the comeback involves something new and fresh, a different take than what the person was known for. I wish...
by Mike Parnell | Nov 11, 2011 | Opinion
Journalists use the phrase “burying the lead,” which refers to hiding the primary aspects of a story. “Tower Heist,” now playing, is guilty of burying the lead. First, the movie has the word “heist” in it. That means it is trying to...
by Mike Parnell | Oct 28, 2011 | Opinion
“Higher Ground” tells the story of a woman’s faith struggle. It’s set on the stage of a fundamentalist theology. Corinne (Vera Farmiga) is earnestly trying to find a way to experience God. The movie begins with her baptism as an adult, but her...
by Mike Parnell | Oct 14, 2011 | Opinion
Some movies are remakes; others are old ideas repackaged. What makes these films worth our dollars is not the genesis of the idea, but the execution and how they use the familiar to get us to join in and take the journey. “Real Steel” is not an original...