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“Up in the Air”

In the classic “To Kill a Mockingbird,” Miss Maudie looks down at Jem and says: “Some men in this world are born to do our unpleasant jobs for us … your father is one of them.” She was referring to Atticus Finch, but she could just as...


There are moments in “Avatar” that you want to say, “You got to be kidding me.” What James Cameron does in his storytelling is so broad you wonder if he is trying to make fun of the audience. Then you realize that what is being said is not so...

“A Serious Man”

Joel and Ethan Coen, in my opinion, make great movies, but my opinion is not shared by all. A friend once said that the Coens’ “Raising Arizona,” a favorite of mine, is one of the stupidest movies he had ever seen.   And that reflects why the...

“A Christmas Carol”

It’s been said that before one hears the good news, one needs to hear the bad news. It’s only in hearing the bad news that one can truly hear what the good news has to say, embrace it and change.   “A Christmas Carol” is the familiar story of...