What Preachers Should Have in Common with The Boss

Were I to give you a full accounting of my popular musical allegiances over the years, you would likely suggest that I should hang my increasingly hairless head in shame. The first musical act that I took seriously was The Monkees – and they were not even a serious...

Taking Sides: Does God Care About Football Games?

We have a very good football team at Fitzgerald High School this year; the Purple Hurricanes are 6-0 and ranked No. 2 in the Georgia AA classification. Head Coach Robbie Pruitt and several of the players are members of the church that I serve as pastor. We have good...

Want to Show Mercy? Things Are Going to Get Messy

My late mother was, according to the testimony of many whose perspective is much more unbiased than mine, one of the finest Christians you could have ever wanted to know, but she nonetheless provided me with a very good example of how messy mercy can be. One Sunday...

Nominee to Lead NIH Balances Faith, Science

The White House announced on July 8 that Dr. Francis Collins, former head of the Human Genome Project, would be nominated to become the director of the National Institutes of Health (NIH). I believe this move to be a good one.   Collins is eminently qualified as a...