How Close Does Your Spiritual DNA Match Jesus’?

Archaeologists recently announced that they had made a significant find in the ruins of a church that had been built in 660 A.D. in present-day Turkey: a small stone coffin containing a wood fragment that in the past was venerated as coming from the cross of Jesus...

Why You Should Be Glad Easter’s Always Moving

The Church Council that met in A.D. 325 in Nicaea, a city in northwest Asia Minor, determined that Easter Sunday would be observed on the first Sunday after the full moon that falls on or after March 21. That means that Easter cannot occur before March 22 or after...

When We Need Balm, Why Do We Choose Bombs?

I was raised attending a church that knew nothing of such innovations as extended session and children’s church. If you were a child at the Midway Baptist Church located four miles outside of Barnesville, Ga., on City Pond Road, you were promoted straight from...

2 Reasons Why You Should Take Advent Seriously

This Sunday is the first Sunday of the season of Advent. The word “Advent” means “arrival” or “coming.” During the four weeks of Advent, we anticipate the celebration of the birth of Jesus at Christmas, the second coming of Christ...