Why You Should Give Up Your Rights for the Gospel

The Apostle Paul presented a strong case that he and his fellow ministers had the right to be paid for their service. In a letter written in the middle of the first century to Christians living in the Greek city of Corinth, he asked, “If we have sown spiritual...

Reciting Pledges While Not Living By Their Words

Once upon a time, Vacation Bible School (VBS) lasted a week, took place in the morning and featured a highly structured opening assembly. During the assembly, the pianist would play a “stand-up chord” (a major lift) and a “sit-down chord” (a...

What It Means If You Truly Love Your Neighbors

What does it mean to love someone? Jesus said that we should love our neighbors as we love ourselves. If we’re going to love somebody that way, then we need to know how we love ourselves. To love myself means that I want what’s best for me. I want to be...