by Michael Ruffin | Jun 11, 2008 | Opinion
The actor who portrayed George Bailey in the classic 1946 film “It’s a Wonderful Life” died on Friday.Now some are thinking, “Wait a minute ”Jimmy Stewart died a long time ago.” Stewart in fact died in 1997. Stewart, who is numbered along...
by Michael Ruffin | May 9, 2008 | Opinion
According to Wikipedia, the roots of Mother’s Day may go all the way back to celebrations of motherhood by the ancient Greeks. In 16th century England, the custom developed of observing Mothering Day on the 4th Sunday in Lent. On that day, people would return to...
by Michael Ruffin | Apr 24, 2008 | Opinion
Just ask Kermit the Frog, who sang about it. Or the Jolly Green Giant, about whom the following was sung: You’ve heard about the Jolly Green Giant, He’s so big and mean; He stands there laughing with his hands on his hips ” And then he hits you with a can...
by Michael Ruffin | Dec 24, 2007 | Opinion
As a child I would go to bed on Christmas Eve so excited I could hardly sleep. Of course, part of the problem was that the last words I heard from Mama before I went to bed were “Go to sleep now; Santa Claus won’t come if you’re awake.” So I...
by Michael Ruffin | Dec 10, 2007 | Opinion
I am a supporter of the Celebration of the New Baptist Covenant. I hope the meeting will enhance Baptist relationships and Baptist witness. Still, I see a potential problem with the political image it may present. Many Baptists have been troubled by the perception...