How to Reset the Margins of Your Life

One thing all pages of books and computer word processing programs have in common is the use of margins. Have you ever wondered, “Why have margins? Couldn’t you get more words on the pages without them?” Just think of how many pages you could cut out...

Ebola Threatens More Than Lives in Liberia

Think back to April 19, 2013. An entire region in Boston was frozen in place as police combed the area for marathon bombing suspect Dzhokhar Tsamaev. Logan International Airport was open, but nothing else moved. The transit system, schools, businesses, airspace over...

Why Church Youth Need to Learn Opposing Views

There are people who have devoted serious careers to the study of humor, and many, if not most, are not very funny. They are like me–they are not the life of the party, but they love to laugh. They are also interested in the psychology, sociology and physiology...