Living Water

A sermon by Michael Cheuk, Pastor, University Baptist Church, Charlottesville, Va. March 23, 2014. John 3:4:5-42  Water.  Alongside oxygen and food, water is one of the three things essential to sustain life.  The other day, I saw a Youtube video called “What if you...

A Saving Mystery

 A sermon by Michael Cheuk, Pastor, University Baptist Church, Charlottesville, Va. March16, 2014. John 3:1-17  My name is Nicodemus.  This morning, I want to share with you my story and my strange but memorable encounter with Jesus late one night.  But first, let me...

What Kind of Church Are We Going to be?

A sermon by Michael Cheuk, Pastor, University Baptist Church, Charlottesville, Va. March 9, 2014. Matthew 4:1-11 Whew!  What an amazing couple of Sundays we’ve had!  We dedicated eight babies and children, ordained Joseph Johnson, welcomed the Watsons into membership,...

Responding to a Wake Up Call

A sermon by Michael Cheuk, Pastor, University Baptist Church, Charlottesville, Va. February 16, 2014. Matthew 6:26-33; Matthew 16:13-19 As many of you know, I’ve been trying to offer a “State of the UBC” address at one of our Wednesday night suppers.  But every time...

God’s Own Fool

A sermon by Michael Cheuk, Pastor, University Baptist Church, Charlottesville, Va. February 2, 2014. 1 Corinthians 1:18-31 Several years back, columnist Dave Barry listed “Sixteen Things That It Took Me over Fifty Years to Learn.”   Let me give you the “Top Ten” of...