by Marv Knox | Aug 12, 2002 | Opinion
The value of character and integrity looms largest in their absence. Thank Wall Street for that important lesson. If you doubt it, think for just a moment about some of the names in the news this year–Adelphia, Arthur Andersen, Enron, WorldCom. When the scandals...
by Marv Knox | Jul 10, 2002 | Opinion
A Cooperative Baptist Fellowship leader’s pulpit plagiarism packed a powerful punch, delivering black eyes to her organization and to the cause of women ministers. Reba Cobb, the CBF’s resources coordinator, preached a sermon titled “The Bent-Over...
by Marv Knox | Jun 12, 2002 | News
ST. LOUIS–“Conservative resurgence” has not produced revival in the Southern Baptist Convention, evangelist Freddie Gage said at the conclusion of the first session of the SBC annual meeting June 11. “I can remember in 1979 in Houston, Texas,...
by Marv Knox | Jun 12, 2002 | News
ST. LOUIS–God will praise Southern Baptists as “good and faithful servants,” President George W. Bush predicted in an address broadcast by satellite to the Southern Baptist Convention annual meeting June 11. During a 12-minute broadcast, Bush...
by Marv Knox | Jun 5, 2002 | Opinion
One of the earliest games we played in Sunday School was “Gossip.” Maybe you played it too. The teacher lined all the children in single file and whispered a message into the ear of the child at one end of the line. That child was to whisper the message...