Scuzzy or Cute? Who’s Looking?

Our family is not “of one accord,” to use the King James Bible’s phrase for seeing things eye-to-eye. The topic is looks; the subject is young men. We can look at the same guy, but we use different words to describe him. Inevitably, when I say,...

A Lesson We Can Learn From Lott

There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.–Galatians 3:28 Casual, unscripted remarks may be the bane of a politician’s existence, but they also are a window into a human being’s soul. Sen. Trent...

Away From the Manger, Out Into the Dangerous World

Nothing’s ever over quite like Christmas. The tree comes down. Decorations go back into the attic. A new year arrives. Life returns to normal. This quick change isn’t peculiar to our culture. The Gospel of Matthew flashes from the festivity of adoring magi...

Eternal Light Emerges Out of the Darkness of History

What do you want for Christmas this year? If you read the papers and listen to the news, you might think you’ve got a patriotic duty to want a plasma-screen TV and a luxury car. A house and a truckload of industrial stock would be better. Business analysts are...