A Plea to Christian, Muslim and Jewish Friends

Israeli assault on Gaza. The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria’s (ISIS’) assault on everybody. The U.S. assault on Iraq, still vivid in everyone’s memory. Self-proclaimed Muslims attacking the twin towers in New York City. Self-proclaimed Jews burning...

Your Actions Affect Someone Else Somewhere

During a conference I was attending in Ghana, I joined a group on a visit to one of the “slave castles” on the southern coast. I expected it to be another touristic experience, as ancient castles are no rare sight in my country, Lebanon. I am not known to...

Why My Family Has Chosen to Stay in Lebanon

Living in Lebanon when you have the opportunity to leave is a choice that demands a “theology of staying.” Four ideas, which may form the starting components of such a theology, come to mind when I consider why my family remains in Lebanon. First, a...

When the State Starts Crumbling: A Theology of Staying

Sometimes Lebanon is charming. When you approach the Lebanese coast as your plane takes position for landing, the beautiful mountains gushing out so close to the glassy sea captivate your attention. When you drive up the windy mountain roads of the Qadisha valley, you...