by Martin Accad | Jul 18, 2018 | Opinion
The debate about the nature of the relationship between religion, violence and evil has been rather lively in recent months and years. Between the nauseating treatment of Muslim dissidents and non-Muslims in Syria and Iraq in the name of “Islam,” the continued bloody...
by Martin Accad | Mar 1, 2018 | Opinion
Ambassador Massoud Al-Maalouf, former Lebanese ambassador to the United States, denounced the devastating role of U.S. evangelicals in shaping toxic U.S. foreign policies toward the Middle East, particularly toward the Palestinian cause. The Al-Joumhouriah Daily...
by Martin Accad | Jul 17, 2017 | Opinion
The concept of “disorienting times” was the focus of the Arab Baptist Theological Seminary’s 14th Middle East Conference / Consultation (June 19-23), organized by its Institute of Middle East Studies. Highlights from the 2017 consultation are...
by Martin Accad | Jun 8, 2017 | Opinion
The practice of “taqiyya” (dissimulation or concealment) has been redefined as a religious obligation for Muslims to lie to non-Muslims in order to serve the expansionist agenda of their religious community. This is a false understanding that has gained...
by Martin Accad | Jun 7, 2017 | Opinion
“In post 9/11 anti-Muslim discourse, ‘taqiyya’ has been redefined as a religious obligation for Muslims to lie to non-Muslims not simply for survival, but in order to serve the expansionist agenda of their religious community.” According to the...