by Mark Woods | Sep 15, 2011 | Opinion
The prayer to which Jonathan Edwards, general secretary of the Baptist Union of Great Britain, has called British Baptists is at once the most natural of human activities – and the oddest. We turn automatically to someone stronger and more powerful than we are...
by Mark Woods | Sep 6, 2011 | Opinion
The 30th anniversary of the GreenhamCommonWomen’sPeaceCamp in Berkshire, England, which irritated the military and political establishment from 1981 until 2000 – though the last missiles left in 1992 – was appropriately observed with newspaper articles and TV...
by Mark Woods | Aug 22, 2011 | Opinion
The broken windows, torched cars and businesses, bloodshed and terror were ubiquitous in our media and horrific and tragic in their effects on those who experienced them in Great Britain. However, the riots directly affected only a tiny fraction of our country. This...
by Mark Woods | Aug 11, 2011 | Opinion
One of the most irritating accusations against Christianity, or faith in general, is that it causes conflict and sets one person against another. It would be wrong to deny that this has sometimes been the case; there is enough melancholy material in the history books...
by Mark Woods | Aug 2, 2011 | Opinion
In a famous essay, “Hamlet: The Prince or The Poem?” C S Lewis describes the various efforts critics over the centuries have made to understand what is arguably Shakespeare’s greatest play. They have, Lewis said, rightly identified that in the play...